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JV | PLR – The Total Beginner’s Guide To Yoga

Sales Page Preview | Commissions: 50% + 50% on ALL backend products
LAUNCH DATE: Oct 18, 2021


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Subject Lines:
[Early Bird] High-Quality PLR Package
[New PLR] The Total Beginner’s Guide To Yoga w/ FULL PLR
[PLR] 10,000 Words + 8-Module Private Label Rights Offer
[Just Launched!] Brand New PLR Training
[LIVE] Brand New PLR You Can Resell
It’s LIVE – Brand New PLR Package…
New PLR in Hot Niche – Ready For Resell
Hot New Course Including PLR
Hot New PLR Product for you…
Resell this with PLR today…
Brand New High-Quality PLR You Can Resell…
New PLR – “The Total Beginner’s Guide To Yoga” including Private Label Rights


Here’s a brand new, done-for-you PLR product you can resell starting today.

It’s called “The Total Beginner’s Guide To Yoga” – Get All The Energy You Could Ever Want Without Spending A Fortune To Get It!

Grab your copy right away here:


But you must HURRY! There’s currently an early-bird special discount if you grab your copy today.

Here are the topics inside this PLR course package:

  • The True Secrets To Yoga Finally Revealed!
  • How To Find Affordable Yoga Equipment And The Poses That Work For You!
  • Stop Wasting Money On Workout Programs That Do Not Work And Use The Most Effective Yoga System Ever!
  • Make Money Before You Ever Pay A Cent For Advertising So You’re Never Out Of Pocket!
  • Get Results That Are Not Possible With Other Forms Of Fitness And Exercise!
  • How To Find Yoga Deals That Can Save You Hundreds Or Even Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Yoga Products Or Services!
  • The Difference Between A Yoga Program That Works & One That Does Not!

Get instant access to this fresh, new PLR product right now:


Here are just a few things you can do with your brand new product:

  • Add the content to your paid membership site
  • Sell the content directly
  • Sell it on Amazon Kindle
  • Rework the content into your webinars
  • Turn it into paid email series
  • Use as a bonus for your affiliate offers
  • Create physical products from it
  • Create lessons for your coaching
  • Sell the content as backend offers
  • Use content to build a huge list
  • Create a podcast episode series
  • Use content for your newsletters
  • Use content as part of your new products
  • Convert to videos and sell in DVDs
  • Translate & sell in multiple languages
  • Sell it with basic rights, or master resale rights
  • Offer it as a bonus to your paid offers
  • Convert the content into regular blog posts
  • Create viral giveaways on Facebook
  • Apply the info you learn to other PLR offers

Go grab the PLR package while it’s heavily discounted for the launch:


All you need to do is:

1. Download the product
2. Make a few slight modifications like adding your order button
3. Upload it
4. Add some traffic …

And you start profiting! Get instant access to the entire package now:


To Your Success,

P.S. – With a ready-made product that’s done for you, the only thing left for you to do is insert your order button to start collecting orders! So what are you waiting for? Claim your copy now before the special offer ends: